Ordeals of Adolescence: Part 3

Its march! Exam time is just rounding up and we are getting relieved. But what about our parents? Are they getting relieved or are they experiencing sleepless nights, worried sick about our results? Are they preparing themselves to all the questions that the "society" will ask them about us? But lets face it they are our parents and of course they wish the best for us (even though sometimes we are angry at this fact). But this wish gets contaminated by the fact "we have to answer to the society". many times they overdo. Many times they infuriate us. And we being the typical Indian teenagers don't communicate. So today on behalf of all the teens out there, here's a LETTER TO THE PARENTS; Dear mom/dad, I wish you are happy if not content with the way your life turned out. and hope we are turning out as you wished us to be. And if not, I am sure there must have been some miscommunication on the way. You see, I am at this moment like a volcano...