Ordeals of Adolesence: part 4

THE AFTERMATH! Picture this: there's a particular thing you've been doing since you got to your humane senses. The thing you've to do daily without fail, no excuses accepted. Its been over twelve years that you've been in that task. And suddenly puzt! you dont have to anymore! You dont have a choice. You just can't do it anymore! Even if you hate it and wanted to get off ASAP or you loved it and wanted every mintue to last longer, there's just no turning back. How does it feel? Now look into yourself and you'll realize that this is the thing you actually have been doing. school! The thing we have been a part of since we remember our first toy. Nursery, kindergarten, primary, midddle, high and then senior school. Since almost 15 years we've been following a single routine. Waking up at morning, getting ready and leaving for that place for the condemned (hyperbole, of course!). And then suddenly you get into your last year. There's excitement in t...