From time immemorial books and movies, opinions and ideas, even humour and cartoon have been oppressed and banned due to their incorrect portraying of things. In India this is called intolerance. but are we really a growing community of people who refuse, reject and fight against the unwanted? I think not!
No we are not the people who refuse because we never refused to take part in religious debates. We are not those who reject because we never rejected moral policing. And we are definitely not those who fight against the unwanted because we never fought for the poor girls that were being raped when we were comfortably seated in homes or cafes or offices gossipping about the many wrongs that we are definitely more interested in!
Intolerance is a must but for the things that are not to be tolerated. And who are we kidding, we as a country are having riots inside for being hurt by what others eat. We are mercilessly degrading the comedians who are making harmless comedy on their expense to make us laugh. We are defaming people who are not accepting our ideas when in realty we should be intolerating the hundreds of terrorists who are right now planning the next big massacre. We should be intolerating this resistance in us that accepts to sit quiet on the face of inhumane activities. The helplessness we feel when we see hundreds of people being killed and quietly change the program because obviously seeing this is disturbing. Are we intolerant or just damn cowards? 
In the wake of the Paris attacks what are we doing to tell the terrorism that hides in the corner that we are not afraid but are intolerant against them? Mourning does not help. Fighting it does. And we cant get the big war right if we don't look in our flaws and correct them without excuses. If we don't stop making our religion our one and only priority and refusing other religion like the tens of rape victims that we forget everyday then maybe we have a shot at surviving and defeating not only the terror that lives in the world but one that is inside us and threatens to arise the moment someone disagrees on us,our religion,our beliefs and ideas.
So people lets get our shit together and fight against what really is wrong. Lets fight against every demon that lies within and around us. For every person tortured,beheaded and killed and for every girl harassed and raped WE DAMN WELL ARE INTOLERANT! 

thank you for giving this your time. any comments/compliments/feedback will be honoured and read by welcoming eyes(:P). await my next blog!!



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