Ordeals of Adolescence: Part 5

It’s a day like all others and you see a new girl enter your classroom with a hairstyle you find cool. Or maybe there's a new guy in your neighborhood with a Harry Potter t-shirt. Or its raining and the only person with an umbrella is that short boy who you avoided talking to. Or maybe, as was in my case, you had the ill fate of having only that one girl same in a class full of strangers. But whatever the scenario, your first meet and greet with your now best friend hasn’t been beautiful. But now you are here at a time when they are a part of your everything. I have heard several things about bestfriends. Most is the usual cliché of friends forever and ‘your partner in crime’ but having a bestfriend for 7 years has taught me that a bestfriend is more than that. If there’s one myth I have realised false, it’s “sugar spice everything nice” is NOT the definition of a bestfriend. For the worst fights I have had have been with my bestfriend and so ha...