Ordeals of Adolescence Part 1

hi readers. its my first ever blog so ignore the things you dislike. 
Starting with it, first of all I would like to share with you all a little summary of how my day went. I woke up at 5 in the morning and went to school, then came back home and went to class. Then I reached home around 8.30 after being squashed at every angle in the locals and then I'm here in front of you quoting it all. Tough life for an 11th grader, yeah? No not yet. Its the story of every student, I guess. But while I was busy following my routine there was a big part of my brain that was being harassed. By teachers, friends and tests and the petty problems that resurface the moment you close the door on one. Its not so tough or hard when you read it but many forget on their journey of life how similarly awful they felt during their teenage. 
Its an acceptable norm of society by now that teenagers lead the most confusing lives but do they remember theirs? Do they try to recollect and then emphasise with them? I think not and its not their fault. Life's too busy for everyone to mind us skimpy struggling adolescents. We only get things like "when i was a teenager i studied this much..." "when i was a teenager i scored this much"... "i overcame so much..." but frankly things like "when i was a teenager i suffered the same..." or "when i was your age i felt the downs of the roller coaster too..." would be helpful. I mean studying is not the only thing; its a part. A small part in a lot more that constitutes our life. and I purely believe that studying is the fundamental thing but not the  gravity of your life. If you are not good at it your world doesn't stop revolving. yeah you may face some obstacles and taunts but isn't all of it really worth the day when you finally do something you are totally passionate about? Failing is acceptable, quitting is not. Its not acceptable to throw down your arms at one fall. Its not acceptable even at the grandest fall. People, you have to understand that however self-obsessed and free living we may be, our life is not completely ours. Its a part of someone other's too. Yeah people will expect things from you, because they have faith in you and they believe that you can do it. They are not pushing you into the field but they are the ones waiting at the finish line inviting you. What if you fail? Well then you can always ignore the world and go back to living your life without any strings. Just saying... 
In the end guys remember that this world is too big a world and can accommodate you. It has people, how many few, who love you and look forward to seeing you again. And if one lonely night you are with the thoughts on letting the arms down just adjust one little thought in that tiny vast mind; if there is no one in this world there are still 7000 WBCs in your body fighting every second to save you. Return their love at least and love yourself. Don't exist in the oblivion but live in the glory!

hope you liked it. if you didnt,i'd be upto the task to attend to your expectations. if you loved it though then i'd be honoured to get your compliments(!). anyhow comment are always accepted and respected. thanks for giving your time!



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