(I intend to write everyday but fail to conjure up topics that I feel to talk about. So I had an idea, I've always wanted to elaborate and explain what my poetry implies. I guess we'll be doing that somedays now. ;) )

"I see all around me, hassled parents

Running around their kids

Making them lunches and bringing cakes

Taking them out and yelling them in.

Parents going around their kids

It's so natural and expected of parents to have the superior hand in the realm of immmeasurable love. They're loving, taking care, tolerating and teaching all at the same time to this life that they've generated. I'm sure they must feel like we're a magic. Something like the fire at the end of the snap of the magician.

"And I go into the world, in a group of circles

Everyone doing jobs, getting As, ticking rows

And calling back home to validate

Like a timestamp, but in your life

A hello kitty sticker on your page

Every kid is running behind their parent"

You see we are so used to a certain kind of Parent-kid relationship, that we never try to understand how immeasurable a kid's heart can love. They don't even understand the meaning of what they feel and express, yet they do it without fear, expectations. All they want is to make their parents happy with whatever they can manage or achieve. This all for that one pat in the back.

"For a hug, for understanding, for validating

For approving the existence of all these years

We do as we are told, we smile when they're near

It's all so very clear

Kids always run behind parents

A plague we've all been cursed with

Something we will need, but they can never give

It's an abstract bind, the blood trickles

And everyone runs around, pent up dears

With a cry and a cuss, but they still would make the fuss,

It's all the kids in this world.

They are all crazy behind them."

And there's always this weight we feel of making them feel a certain way with our prowess. Whatever they express as their wishes, we try to deliver them, it's how our brains our wired- we cannot exist without sign of approval forever. 
But alas, it's something parents can hardly offer to their kids. A vague veil presents in between. A thin membrane dividing the two infinitely deep. Each unable to understand the other. 

P.s: If you like this poem, read it on my page "the_pauet". Genepool


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