Familiarity. Over the years the meaning this word bears has grown drastically. How our mind and brain is constantly trying to get familiar with the surroundings.
Like any animal, cat or lion, enters a place and starts sniffing around, pacing around to corners, feeling the "vibe", if you may. And only after a thorough discovering of everything, do they settle down and start living. We are nothing different than such animals. Everytime we enter a new place, we feel uncomfortable, unsettling. We snoop around the corners, gauge the many people and their behaviours before we enter the field, give our thoughts out and begin to be.
But why? Have you ever wondered? Why is familiarity so important? Its because familiarity is synonymous to comfort. Only when our brain has come to know the terms of a situation, would it be able to exit the flight or fight mode and begin to think or feel or create. By familiar I don't mean to become friends with all people, situations or incidents, to like and love the way things go. It means to just learn the way of things. How they do. So your brain can collect all the information and start creating something out of the situation. Collecting all the pieces is the first step to solving a puzzle. Isn't it so cute? Like a small kitten is sitting at the amygdala or cerebrum.
Think about it, if we start at a new place and find 4 strangers existing there. Even with the lack of any interaction, you'd feel safe in the bosom of familiarity with the strangers; the unknowns make the place known. The next day if you find 4 different set of strangers, you would feel anxious, curious, mind in overtime.
We are our best selves when we know a situation completely. When we can predict and imagine different path that could occur in a situation and where they'd lead to. We call a city home when we are well aware of all the roads and lanes of it. When we can infact, without Google maps, could never get lost again. Maybe the brain hates losing.
You see, it's the experience of knowing that gives the brain and the mind, thereafter you, the calmness in a situation. You don't have to learn the details, the history, you just have to be wary that no dangers exist. Like a cat, fast reflexes yet a aloofness and sheer comfort in the scene.
So the next time you feel unsettling in a new place or situation, just think of the cat that is sitting in the brain.
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